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  • camera below
  • submarine shooting
  • underwater photography
  • underwater shooting
  • "水下"英文翻译    undersea; underwater
  • "摄影"英文翻译    take a photograph; shoot
  • "水下摄影机" 英文翻译 :    fish-eye camera; underwater camera; waterproof sealed camera
  • "水下摄影师" 英文翻译 :    trick cameraman; underwater cameraman
  • "水下摄影测量" 英文翻译 :    underwater photogrammetry
  • "水下摄影机箱" 英文翻译 :    underwater hosing
  • "水下摄影测量术" 英文翻译 :    underwater photogrammetry
  • "鱼雷式水下摄影机" 英文翻译 :    torpedo camera
  • "水下摄录设备" 英文翻译 :    underwater video recorder
  • "水下电影摄影" 英文翻译 :    submarine cinematography
  • "水下全息摄影" 英文翻译 :    underwater holography
  • "下摄司" 英文翻译 :    xiashesi
  • "水下爆炸摄影术" 英文翻译 :    photography of underwater explosions
  • "水下电视摄影机" 英文翻译 :    underwater television camera
  • "水下电影摄影机" 英文翻译 :    underwater movie camera; underwater panoramic camera
  • "水下声全息摄影" 英文翻译 :    underwater acoustic holographic photograph
  • "遥控水下电视摄影机" 英文翻译 :    remote-controlled underwater television camera
  • "水下" 英文翻译 :    undersea; underwater◇水下暗礁 ledge; 水下爆破 [军事] underwater demolition; 水下采煤 underwater mining; 水下测深 underwater bathymetry; 水下储罐 underwater storage tank; 水下传感器 underwater sensor; 水下打桩机 underwater pile diver; 水下导航 underwater navigation; 水下电话 [讯] underwater telephone; 水下发射 underwater launching; 水下跟踪 underwater tracking; 水下工程 underwater engineering; 水下观测 underwater observation; 水下管道 [工业] submarine pipeline;水下航行 underwater navigation; 水下核爆炸 underwater nuclear explosion; 水下呼吸器 underwater breathing apparatus; 水下火箭 underwater rocket; 水下机器人 underwater robot; 水下激光雷达 underwater laser radar; 水下激光通信 underwater laser communication; 水下集鱼灯 underwater fishing lamp; 水下建筑物 submerged structure; 水下井口 underwater wellhead; 水下居住舱 underwater habitat chamber; 水下铺管设备 underwater piping laying equipment; 水下起重机 underwater cran; 水下切割 [工业] underwater cutting; 水下全息术 underwater holography; 水下摄影 underwater photography; 水下设备 underwater installation; 水下声源 underwater sound source; 水下实验室 sealab; 水下事故 underwater accident; 水下隧道 submerged tunnel; 水下索道 underwater cable way; 水下探测器 underwater detectoscope; 水下天线 underwater antenna; 水下听音器 hydrophone; 水下通信 underwater communication; 水下推进 underwater propulsion; 水下挖掘机 underwater excavator; 水下行程 underwater heat; 水下扬声器 pallesthesiometer; 水下语言通信 underwater speech communication; 水下障碍物 [航空; 航海] underwater obstacle; 水下照相机 [光学] underwater camera; 水下侦察 underwater reconnaissance; 水下作业 underwater operation
  • "摄影" 英文翻译 :    1.(照相) take a photograph; shoot 摄影留念 take a photo as a moment; have a souvenir photograph taken; 航空摄影 aerial photography; 红外摄影 infrared photography; 从各种不同的角度给某人摄影 shoot sb. from various angles; 一分钟摄影 (快相) while-you-wait photography; 图片摄影 picturial photography; 他酷爱摄影。 he goes in for photography.2.(拍电影); shoot a film; film 内景摄影 interior shooting; 全景摄影 panoramic shooting; 外景摄影 exterior shooting; 胶卷摄影 film pick-up; 摄影师们正在摄影。 cameramen are shooting their pictures.; 摄影爱好者 shutterbugs; 摄影车 photographic car; 摄影记者 lensman; press photographer; cameraman; 摄影棚 photostudio; film studio; 摄影师 photographer; cameraman; 摄影室 photographic studio; photo studio; gallery; 摄影术 photography; 摄影展览 photographic exhibition; photo exhibition
  • "水下泵" 英文翻译 :    submersible pump; submersiblepump; underwater pump
  • "水下冰" 英文翻译 :    underwater ice
  • "水下波" 英文翻译 :    subsurface wave; underwater wave
  • "水下层" 英文翻译 :    subsurface layer
  • "水下的" 英文翻译 :    subaqueous; subaquesous; subfluvial; submarine; submerged; subsea; subsurface; subwater; under water; underseas; undersurface; underwater; uw; wetted
  • "水下灯" 英文翻译 :    submarine light; underwater light


  • Underwater photography is also important in mapping parts of the ocean floor
  • Such deblur methods can also be used in other applications , such as underwater image system and target detection in water
  • The special concern being attached to the promotion of tourism in sudan is necessitated by many factors represented in the necessity of activating domestic internal tourism , notably among the youths to familiarize with their country
  • It is reported that underwater photography requires the photographer to be physically strong and technically superb enough to adjust the exposure at any moment as the demand varies with the depth of water and the velocity of the flow
  • Some days ago , a renowned ukrainian photographer displayed his underwater photography to throngs of photographic fans in zhuhai by “ dancing with a 3 . 2 - meter - shark ” in the water world of new yuan ming palace
    日前,一位来自乌克兰的著名摄影师在圆明新园海底世界与一条全长3 . 2米的大鲨鱼一起"翩翩起舞" ,给珠海众多摄影爱好者展示了他的水下摄影技巧。
  • With the minimumization of wireless camero , colourful video head weights no more than 100 grams costing roughly rmb 1000 however having a effective distance of 1500 meters , therefore photos taking , model s battle or using on submarine , taking photo in deep water or making robot can also be carried out by your own devices
  • Called " the audubon of this century " for the variety and proficiency of his marine photography , photographer david doubilet has mastered the use of light to produce what one national geographic editor calls " customary superb doubilet shots . " among them is this , a light - drenched photo of sea lions swimming in the waters of the great australian bight in the indian ocean
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