Few of the colonial leaders really wanted separations . 殖民的领袖们,很少真要分裂。
This was a region of early settlement with relatively inhospitable conditions for agriculture . 这是初期殖民的地区,农业条件并非优良。
The art of colonizing is no exception to the rule 殖民的芸术是没有特例的。
It is a typical example of the colonisation of a new frontier 这是一个新边疆殖民的典型例子。
The significance of edward w . said ' s methodology of post - colonial literature 萨义德后殖民的文艺学方法论意义
They also wear clothes from that time period and fire musket guns from colonial days 人们可以穿着来自那个时期的衣服还可以使用殖民的步枪。
However , china ' s education and mediation leads the youth culture into a post - colonist situation 但是,中国的教育与媒介文化使得中国青年的消费主义更具有后殖民的可能性。
Whether one adhere to the concept of colonization or not , this is the direction of asian progress and it may not be stopped 不管你是不是坚持殖民的观点,这才是亚洲前进的方向,她不会停步。
Influenced by japanese trends and our own western colonial characteristics , we established a distinctive style of our own 东洋吹来的风潮夹杂了本身西方殖民的色彩,使我们建立了一种独特的口味。
Mr mbeki has also echoed mr mugabe ' s view that the west is only concerned about zimbabwe because of its old colonial interests 姆贝基也同意穆加比的意见,认为西方对辛巴威的关切完全是基于早先殖民的利益。