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  • positive coupling


  • If you are connected to the internet , please disconnect now
    如果目前正连接到internet ,请立即断开连接。
  • If the player is not pop out , please use windows media player to open the url above
  • So , if you re connecting to a system written using microsoft . net , then the use of web services is almost a given
    因此,如果您正连接到用microsoft的. net编写的系统,那么使用web服务几乎是肯定的。
  • If you choose to connect to the existing file , then a connection is created just as if you were connecting to any remote database , and the database file is left in its original location
  • In the example i have two clients , clienta and clientb , that are connecting to databases hosted by three different servers , db2serv1 , 192 . 168 . 1 . 101 , and db2serv3
    在该例中,有两个客户机,分别是clienta和clientb ,这两个客户机正连接到三台不同服务器中的数据库,这三台服务器分别是db2serv1 、 192 . 168 . 1 . 101和db2serv3 。
  • If you are interfacing with components not written for the . net framework , for example automation or com objects , keep in mind that pointer types in other environments are not compatible with the visual basic
    如果您正连接到不是为. net framework编写的组件,例如automation或com对象,请记住其他环境中的指针类型与visual basic
  • This will let you see what applications are connected to a database , help you diagnose lock problems , and allow you to view buffer pool , table space , and table usage , and statements being executed
  • If you are interfacing with components not written for the . net framework , for example automation or com objects , keep in mind that date time types in other environments are not compatible with the visual basic
    如果您正连接到不是为. net framework编写的组件,例如automation或com对象,请记住其他环境中的日期/时间类型不与visual basic
  • Applications and services can query for interesting management information such as how much free space is left on the disk , what is the current cpu utilization , which database a certain application is connected to , and much more , using classes derived from
    派生的类,查询感兴趣的管理信息(例如在磁盘上还剩多少可用空间、当前cpu利用率是多少、某一应用程序正连接到哪一数据库等等) ;或者应用程序和服务可以使用
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