欺负 bully; treat sb. high-handedly; browbeat; treat sb. rough; ride roughshod over 欺负好人 bully [humbug] a good man; 你们不应该欺负他老实。 you shouldn't impose on his good nature. 大国不应当欺负小国。 big nations should not bully small ones. 强者不应欺负弱者。 people who are strong should not bully those who are weak
They are using e - mail , text messaging and social networking sites in new forms of victimization 他们利用电子邮件,短信,和网站寻找新的欺负他人的方法。
The idiom " fox assuming tiger ' s ferocity " comes from the story above , illustrating those who tease people by others ' force “狐假虎威”这个成语就是由这个故事而来,形容那些依仗别人势力欺负他人的人。
The children who bully others for a long time will gradually develop aggressive personality , even leading to commit his crime later 长期欺负他人的儿童还可能形成攻击性人格特点,甚至导致以后的犯罪。
The bully and bullied are connected with children ' s personal conflict problem - solving style . as the core of personality , self - concept restricts the response style , which is sure to influence the bullying behavior and personal conflict problem - solving style 儿童之所以欺负他人和受人欺负,与其在人际冲突情境下解决问题的方式有关,而自我概念是人格的核心部分,制约着行为的反应方式,必将影响儿童欺负行为及人际冲突解决策略。
The results indicated : ( 1 ) the scores on bullying are different among the different group in terms of self - concept ; ( 2 ) self - concept scores of the vitims were lower than the normal group , while the self - concept scores of bullies are within normal level ; ( 3 ) there are interaction between bullying and self - concept 结论表明: ( 1 )不同自我概念组别对学生的欺负行为的发生有影响; ( 2 )较多受到欺负的学生自我概念低于正常水平,较多参与到欺负他人的学生自我概念处于正常范围; ( 3 )自我概念和欺负现象之间存在着交互作用,本研究中未得出两者的简单回归关系。
The questionnaire battery contained olweus bully / victim questionnaire , children ' s loneliness scale , children ' s depressive scale , social anxiety scale . social measurement method contained peer nomination and class play . the main findings from the present study are as follows : ( 1 ) in general , bullying is a problem of high prevalence in primary and junior middle school 主要研究结果如下:一、总体而言,中小学中欺负的发生率相当高,分别有22 . 8的小学生和11 . 9的中学生经常或更频繁地受欺负,中小学生中欺负他人的儿童分别为9 . 3和9 . 1 。
If a child is bullied repeatedly , he or she will not only lower gradually his / her self - esteem and self - confidence , become lonely , anxious , depressed , but also show a series of external behavior problems , such as aggressive / destructive behaviors , scatterbrained , lower achievements , social isolation , behavioral withdrawal etc . as to the students frequently bullying others , they will be excluded by peers , and resulting in social interaction difficulties 经常受欺负不仅会导致儿童孤独、压抑、焦虑、自尊和自我评价下降等内部心理问题;而且,还会造成一些外部行为问题,如注意力分散、学习成绩下降、经常逃学,行为孤立、退缩,具有破坏性或攻击性。对欺负者而言,经常欺负他人会招致同伴群体的社会排斥,从而造成社交困难。