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  • eave column


  • Inside the hall of prayer for good harvest the pillars inside the hall all have a meaning : the four in the inner circle represent the four seasons of the year ; the 12 pillars in the middle circle represent 12 months of the year and the 12 pillars in the couter circle represent 12 time periods of the day . the leigong pillar under the center of the ceiling means the absolute power of the emperor
    祈年殿是按“敬天礼神”的思想设计的,殿内立柱都有特定的寓意:里层4根井柱间的空间象征春夏秋冬四季中层12根朱红柱分割的空间象征一年的12个月外层的12根檐柱象征一天的12个时辰宝顶下的雷公柱象征皇帝的“一统天下” 。
  • The pillars inside the hall all have a meaning : the four in the inner circle represent the four seasons of the year ; the 12 pillars in the middle circle represent 12 months of the year and the 12 pillars in the couter circle represent 12 time periods of the day . the leigong pillar under the center of the ceiling means the absolute power of the emperor . temple of heaven appears on the following banknote
    祈年殿是按“敬天礼神”的思想设计的,殿内立柱都有特定的寓意:里层4根井柱间的空间象徵春夏秋冬四季中层12根朱红柱分割的空间象徵一年的12个月外层的12根檐柱象徵一天的12个时辰宝顶下的雷公柱象徵皇帝的"一统天下" 。
  • The pillars inside the hall all have a meaning : the four in the inner circle represent the four seasons of the year ; the 12 pillars in the middle circle represent 12 months of the year and the 12 pillars in the couter circle represent 12 time periods of the day . the leigong pillar under the center of the ceiling means the absolute power of the emperor
    祈年殿是按“敬天礼神”的思想设计的,殿内立柱都有特定的寓意:里层4根井柱间的空间象征春夏秋冬四季中层12根朱红柱分割的空间象征一年的12个月外层的12根檐柱象征一天的12个时辰宝顶下的雷公柱象征皇帝的“一统天下” 。


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