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音标:[ héngdòu ]  发音:  


  • lateral sinus
  • sinus transversus
  • sinuses transversus
  • transverse sinus


  • Sinus transversus pericardii
  • The asterion wasn " t always located over the superficial surface of the transverse - sigmoid sinus junction
  • The point of occipital insert of the musculus splenius capitus posterior to the mastoid was located inferior and medial to the transverse - sigmoid sinus junction
  • The apex of the superior nuchal line was above the very proximal transverse sinus in most case , while the point of occipital insert of the musculus semispinalis capitus was below it
  • Methods : the anatomic relationship between the cross point ( a ) of the sigmoid and the transverse sinus and the asterion ( s ) , the cross point of the perpendicular and the horizontal ( b ) and point of the fissure of the occipital - mastoid at the fundus of the mastoid ( c ) were determined . then the length of a - s and b - c were measured . results : ( 1 ) the a point was lateral and inferior to the asterion , 10 . 8 + 1 . 1 mm on horizontal plane , 3 . 5 + 0 . 7mm on the longitude plane
    方法:确定横窦和乙状窦的交界内下缘比点)和星点(枕乳缝和人字缝交叉点, s点)的解剖关系;乙状窦垂直部和水平部交汇处内下缘旧点)和枕乳缝乳突基底水平处点)的关系。测量as和b c点的距离。结果: l横窦和乙状窦交点的位于星点外下方,横断面上,平均距离为10


  • 横窦的俄语:pinyin:héngdòu анат. поперечная пазуха
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