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  • Experimental study of protection animals skin of three wild hamamelidaceae plants extract
  • This showed that human disturbances constitute the principal factor threatening subtropical plants in guizhou and eco - environmental protection has become an effective way to preserve rare and endangered plants in the region
    其中,具有较高经济价值的松科、木兰科、棕榈科、金缕梅科4个科植物略占1 / 3 ;以森林为生境的稀有濒危植物占31 . 50 % ;因生境破坏而受到威胁的植物达82 . 80 % 。
  • Link ( calycanthaceae ) , is a deciduous shrub or small tree , and an endemic plant of china . compared with other species whose florescence is earlier than its , blooming in winter , c . praecox is special in its pollination time and process
    蜡梅chimonanthuspraecox ( l . ) link为蜡梅科calycanthaceae蜡梅属植物,冬季开花,与绝大多数春季至秋季开花植物相比,其传粉时间和过程具有一定的特殊性。
  • The typical familes which hold a predominate status in forests are lauraceae , theaceae , fagaceae , aquifoliaceae , symplocaceae , myrsinaceae , smilacaceae , hamamelidaceae , magnoliaceae , elaeocarpaceae , caprifoliaceae , most of which are of tropical and subtropical elements . those fmilies also are the dominants in guangdong flora , which indicates gmnr flora belongs to the most part of guangdong flora
  • Longling palynoflora comprises of 86 palynomorphs belonging to 61 families , and consist of angiosperms ( 69 . 0 % ) , gymnosperms ( 4 . 6 % ) , pteridophytes ( 24 . 1 % ) and algae ( 2 . 3 % ) . longling palynological data indicate a vertical paleovegetational landscape : humid evergreen broad - leaved forest occurred on the slopes near the deposit site , and dominant elements were castanopsis , lithocarpus , cycobalanopsis , mixed with ericaceae , anacardiaceae and sapindaceae etc , and abundant ferns grew in the forest ; the mixed coniferous / broad - leaved forest and coniferous forest distributed on the area of high elevation , dominant elements were tsuga , pinus , picea and abies



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