By dusk the americans had a strong bridgehead on the east bank of the rhine . 到天黑时,美军已在莱因河东岸有了一个坚强的桥头堡。
My conclusion is that the first goal must be to establish a bridgehead through which men and supplies can be funneled at speed . 我的结论是,首先需要建立一个便于迅速运送部队和给养的桥头堡。
Guiding the city culture construction with the advanced administration culture 新亚欧大陆桥东桥头堡连云港的城市文化建设初探
We must establish as many bridgeheads as possible in order to make an effective attack upon the enemy 我们必须尽量建立许多桥头堡以有效攻击敌人。
As a nongovernmental association , cia has become goodwill " ambassador " between china and america 华美协进社将努力成为美国人了解中国文化的“桥头堡” 。
Assault troops were repelled from the west bank of the river before they were able to establish a firm bridgehead 进攻的部队还没来得及建立起坚固的桥头堡就被从西河岸击退。
Assault troops were repulsed from the west bank of the river before they were able to establish a firm bridgehead 突击部队还没来得及建一座坚固的桥头堡就被从河西岸赶了回来。
To further reinforce the gateway , many castles had an outer wall or a barbican which screened the gate from attack 为了进一步加固大门,许多城堡都有外墙或桥头堡,保护大门不受攻击。
Chongqing , the youngest municipality directly under the central government , bishan , the bridge head fortress of yuxi economical lounge 重庆,中国最年轻的直辖市;璧山,渝西经济走廊的桥头堡。
At the same time , stock news is flourishing , and it ' s a hard nut to crack in the whole process of the news reform 与此同时,证券新闻异军突起,成为目前中国新闻界市场化程度最高的分支,也是新闻改革的桥头堡。