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  • samson
  • sanson


  • The royal saltworks of arc - et - senans , near besan ? n , was built by claude - nicolas ledoux
  • " i remain very convinced that he had drawn this steadiness from the principles of religion , of which nobody more than he appeared deeply affected and persuaded , " sanson added
  • In europe , yip s engagements have included concerts with the national capitol orchestre de toulouse and the chambre orchestre de besancon in france , warsaw philharmonic in poland , spain s tenerife symphony orchestra and the czech state orchestra of ko ? ice
  • Winner of the first prize as well as lyre d or in the 35 th concours international des jeunes chefs d orchestre de besancon , france and a prizewinner in the 8 th tokyo international conducting competition in 1988 , yip is in great demand as a guest conductor in asia
  • He also did not want his hands tied at first , but was persuaded to comply . " to pay homage to the truth , he withstood all that with a composure and steadiness that astonished us all , " sanson wrote to the thermometre du jour revolutionary journal
  • Sanson , who oversaw the execution of more than 2 , 900 people between 1778 and his retirement in april 1793 , tells how louis , at the foot of the scaffold , initially resisted having his coat removed for reasons of decorum but then took it off himself
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