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音标:[ tóngjūn ]  发音:  


  • tong jun


  • It ' s still an urgent unsolved problem that how to estimate the technical situation and the remained life of the old crane , how to judge the future using possibility and confirm the using level in the taiji group chongqing tong jun ge pharmaceutical factory
  • Since an acquisition is a tool of achieving the corporate strategy , a successful acquisition should definitely maximize the company ' s core competences . disapproval of common praises on taiji group ' s acquisitions of tongjunge and southwest pharma . , this paper draws a new conclusion from an empirical study that taiji group will fail to synergize the different kinds of resources in the medicine industry by these acquisitions
  • R & d and marketing ability are two fundamental kinds of " core competence " for a pharmaceutical company . taiji group will find it difficult to transfuse its strong marketing ability into tongjunge due to different operating models between both sides , as well as difficult to upgrade its relatively - weak r & d ability from the acquisition of southwest pharma .


  • 桐君的俄语:pinyin:tóngjūn поэт. цитра (цинь)
  • 桐君什么意思:  1.  传说为 黄帝 时医师。 曾采药于 浙江省 桐庐县 的 东山 , 结庐桐树下。 人问其姓名, 则指桐树示意, 遂被称为 桐君 。    ▶ 南朝 梁 陶弘景 《〈本草〉序》: “又云, 有 桐君 《采药录》说其花叶形色。”    ▶ 宋 司马光 《药圃》诗: “山相惭多识, 桐君 未遍知。”一说, 为传说中古仙人...
桐君的英文翻译,桐君英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译桐君,桐君的英文意思,桐君的英文桐君 meaning in English桐君的英文桐君怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。