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  • grendel
  • grundell
  • grundl


  • Grendel was a male monster , slain by beowulf in the old english epic beowulf
  • Beowulf slays the monster grendel and its mother , becomes king of the geats , and dies fighting a dragon
  • More recently , a challenger to the 6 . 8 mm has emerged in the form of the 6 . 5 mm grendel from alexander arms
    就在最近,来自亚力山大武器公司的格伦德尔6 . 5毫米弹药筒成了6 . 8毫米弹药筒的新挑战者。
  • What would be the penalties if the us ( and presumably nato at some point ) were to decide to adopt a more powerful cartridge like the 6 . 8 mm remington spc or 6 . 5 mm grendel
    如果美国(以及此后某个时间的北约)决定换装诸如6 . 8毫米的雷明顿spc或是6 . 5毫米格伦德尔弹药筒等更强劲的弹药时会有什么负面效果呢?
  • The central stories deal with the hero beowulf ' s fight with the lake - monster grendel ' s and grendel ' s mother , and his killing of a dragon and his death of wounds incurred then
  • The 6 . 8 mm remington spc is limited to relatively short bullets to fit within the maximum cartridge length of 5 . 56 mm weapons , so the grendel has a shorter ( 39 mm ) and fatter case , leaving room for longer , low - drag bullets , which retain their velocity out to long ranges
    8毫米的雷明顿spc缺少相配套的短弹头使之合适于5 . 56毫米武器的最大弹药筒尺寸,因此格伦德尔的弹壳更短( 39毫米)更胖一点,为远距离低阻弹头留出空间。
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