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音标:[ chēngliǔ ]  发音:  


  • [植物学] tamarix chinensis; chinese tamarisk
    ◇柽柳灌丛沙堆 tamarix cone


  • Research of soil respiration for desert scrubland
  • Study on organs morphology and its taxonomic significance of tamarix l
  • Spatial - temporal variation and its driving factors of tamarix forestry at edge of minqin oasis
  • Cloning and function characterization of glutathione s - transferase gene from tamarix androssowii
  • Asparagus persicus baker grows only under the canopy of the senescent tamarix sp . hinting that the development of t . sp . provides the usable environments for a . persicus baker
  • 14 species are edible plants , 37 species are medicinal plants , 11 species are ornamental plants and31 species are feeding plants , the major types of halophytic vegetation in hebei province include ptenothalophyta such as tamarix chinensis brush and siberian brush , and littoral halophytic vegetation such as succulent vegetation , poion , chomophyte and etc . epidermal cell exosporium of tamarix chinensis blade is papillous and capillaceous ; stoma and salt - secreting gland are under the epidermis ; differentiation level of mesophyll tissue is rather high ; porder camber is obvious ; and mechanical tissue is developed
  • In order to offer reference to integrated application of species for tamarix l . in china , this paper discussed the taxonomy , biology and physiology characteristics of tamarisk , reviewed the research advances on investigation , identification and evaluation , collection and storage of germplasm resources of tamarisk l . , and summarized genetic breeding , seeding seedlings , cutting seedlings and tissue culture of tamarisk l . so as to put forward the direction of innovative research and application based on indicated problems in research of germplasm resources of tamarisk l


  • 柽柳的泰文
  • 柽柳的日语:(1)〈植〉ギョリュウ.▼“三春柳sānchūnliǔ”“红柳hóngliǔ”ともいう. (2)〈中薬〉てい柳[ていりゅう].▼ギョリュウの葉,利尿?解毒剤に用いる.
  • 柽柳的韩语:[명사]〈식물〉 위성류(渭城柳). =[赤chì柽] [观guān音柳] [河hé柳] [红hóng柳] [人rén柳] [三sān春柳] [三串柳] [三眼柳] [西xī河柳] [西湖柳]
  • 柽柳的俄语:pinyin:chēngliǔ бот. гребенщик (тамарикс) китайский (Tamarix chinensis Lour.)
  • 柽柳什么意思:木名。 也称观音柳、西河柳、三春柳、红柳等。 落叶小乔木, 赤皮, 枝细长, 多下垂。 分布于我国 黄河 、 长江 流域以及 广东 、 广西 、 云南 等地平原、沙地及盐硷地。 枝干可编制箩筐, 嫩枝和叶可入药, 性平味甘咸, 能透发痧疹。    ▶ 《汉书‧西域传上‧鄯善国》: “国出玉, 多葭苇, 柽柳、胡桐、白草。”    ▶ 《新唐书‧吐蕃传下》...


柽柳(学名Tamarix chinensis)又名垂丝柳、观音柳、三春柳、西河柳、山川柳等,是柽柳科植物。柽柳的嫩枝叶是中药材。
柽柳的英文翻译,柽柳英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译柽柳,柽柳的英文意思,檉柳的英文柽柳 meaning in English檉柳的英文柽柳怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。