- 查明 make sure
- 了解 understand; comprehend; acqu ...
- 查明,发现,了解 find out
- 到达;了解;查明 get at
- 查明 prove through investigation; find out; ascertain 查明事实真相 find out truth; ascertain the facts; 立即查明 ascertain instantaneously; 查明有罪 find guilty; 现己查明 it has been established that; investigation reveals that; 确切地查明参加游园会的人 ascertain exactly who were at the garden party
- 了解 1.(知道得清楚) understand; comprehend; acquaintance 了解事物发展的规律 understand the laws of development of things; 一位优秀的教师必须了解儿童。 a good teacher must understand children. 你如果能正确和有效地使用一个字, 你就了解它了。 if you can use a word correctly and effectively, you comprehend it.2.(打听, 调查) find out; acquaint oneself with 了解国内外科学技术发展情况 keep abreast of current development in science and technology at home and abroad
- 查出;查明 find out
- 查明,发现 find out
- 查明,确定 ascertain
- 查明,结帐 check out
- 查明;结账 check out
- 查明白 make sure
- 据查明 found out
- 可查明 detectable-can be discovered or ascertained the existence presence or fact
- 确定,查明 ascertain
- 探知,查明 find out
- 未查明 nf; not found
- 向…查明 be clarified with
- 找出,查明 find out
- 查明,弄确实 make sure of/that
- 查明,确信,开确实 make sure
- 查明,弄确实;确信 to make sure
- 查明,确定,弄清 ascertain
- 查明,确信,确定 make sure
- 查明,找出,发现 find out