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  • young john allen


  • It has many outstanding result when lin yao - zhi and shen yu - gui have been presiding , which cultivates a great deal of imperative talent for westernization movement
  • This dissertation analyses young ' s conceptions on education and culture from three different aspects : confucianism , system of imperial examinations and educational ideologies
  • After getting rid of his economic hardship , young allen put his energy back to his missionary work by publishing the church news which was renamed as the globe magazine , with which he hoped to preach sermons and get believers . but later the newspapers " poor business and lack of new christians withered his passions
    摆脱经济拮据后的林乐知又把精力放到了教务上,创办了《教会新报》 (后更名为《万国公报》 ) ,希翼以此向教内外人士宣道,吸收信徒。
  • In 1881 , young ellen founded a church school called western chinese school in shanghai , because of this school , he resigned his post at guangfang language school and stopped publishing his multi - countries communique . he dedicated himself to the cause of education . he formed his own particular conceptions on education and culture out of his experience of running his school
    1881年林乐知在上海创办了一所教会学校? ?中西书院,为此,他辞去了广方言馆的教习一职,把自办的《万国公报》停刊,专心致力于教育事业,并凭借着自身的办学经验形成了其特有的教育文化观,对中国的教育近代化产生了一定的影响。
  • In 1860s , yong allen had to devote most of his time to teaching and translating while putting his missionary work aside although he was very passionate in his sermon preaching . during this period , he worked at guangfang language school and then at the translation office of jinagnan manufacture bureau . this experience not only improved his economic situation , but also gave him opportunities to meet people of the upper class and thus to know more deeply about chinese society
  • He founded western chinese school and a girl ' s school with the conception of liberal education , which was fairly progressive at that time . the guideline of running his western chinese school was to pay equal attention to the western and eastern culture . young hoped to affect chinese society ' s development by moving some secular education to china which would bring out some talented leaders with western views
    中西书院的方针是“中西并重” ,林乐知希望在容纳中国的前提下将西方的基督教世俗教育体制照搬到中国,为中国的自强运动培养在基督教会影响之下的各种世俗领袖和人才,从而影响中国的社会进程。
  • After studying young ' s conceptions of education and culture and his activities in china , the author thinks that replanting christianity in china is destined to fail . in the process of westernization in the recent history , yong ' s thoughts and practices were not unscientific , but chkese culture must keep its core unchanged and can regenerate and develop after accepting a foreign culture , however , replanting christianity can not conform with this condition . a successful culture transmission and communication must be based on good transmitting mechanism and receiving mechanism , either of which is not replaceable


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