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音标:[ sōngmáo ]  发音:  


  • folium pini
  • pine leaf
  • pine nodular branch


  • The creation of the roast duck in yiliang is very fashionable , while baking , take loose hair knot as the fuel , need its burn to smoke to the utmost , well timed inside out duck body , paint the honey water , lard is spread in epidermis
  • This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 nets industry and commerce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 billion ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 46392
    兹证明东莞市李万松毛织厂已通过认证,并已在东莞114网工商企业数据库中备案,查询更详细的企业资料,请拨东莞企业查询台96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自动) ,该企业编号为46392 。
  • This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 nets industry and commerce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 billion ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 1941
    兹证明东莞常平朗贝裕松毛织厂已通过认证,并已在东莞114网工商企业数据库中备案,查询更详细的企业资料,请拨东莞企业查询台96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自动) ,该企业编号为1941 。


  • 松毛的韩语:[명사]【속어】 솔잎. 솔가리. ‘松叶yè’(소나무의 잎)의 다른 이름. =[松针]
  • 松毛的俄语:pinyin:sōngmáo сосновые иглы; хвоя
  • 松毛什么意思:sōngmáo [pine tag] 干燥的松针
松毛的英文翻译,松毛英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译松毛,松毛的英文意思,松毛的英文松毛 meaning in English松毛的英文松毛怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。