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  • mechanical isolation
  • "机械"英文翻译    machine; mechanism weapon
  • "隔离"英文翻译    keep apart; isolate; segrega ...
  • "机械隔绝复层" 英文翻译 :    mechanical insulation protection
  • "机械性隔离因素" 英文翻译 :    mechanical isolating factor
  • "隔离" 英文翻译 :    keep apart; isolate; segregate; isolation; isolated; apartheid; enclosure; enisle; severance; segregation; solitary 被隔离检疫 be put under quarantine; 隔离病人 isolate the patients; 隔离审查 take sb. into custody and put him under investigation; (put sb. under) isolated examination; 种族隔离 racial segregation; apartheid; 隔离棒 spacer rod; [冶金学] spacer strip; 隔离壁 dividing wall; 隔离病室 isolation ward; 隔离舱 cofferdam; 隔离层 separation layer; 隔离车 runner wagon; 隔离衬套 dividing bushing; 隔离带 isolation belt; 隔离导线 code wire; 隔离电路 buffer circuit; 隔离电压 isolation voltage; 隔离伐 severance cutting; 隔离阀 section valve; 隔离法 isolation method; 隔离工艺 isolation technology; 隔离壕 isolation moat; 隔离集 [数学] separated set; 隔离剂 isolating agent; 隔离检验 [工业] isolation test; 隔离开关 isolator; isolating link; disconnecting switch; disconnector; isolating switch; 隔离扩散 isolation diffusion; 隔离膜片 isolation diaphragm; 隔离幕 parclose; 隔离片 spacing block; 隔离屏障 isolation barrier; 隔离器 liner; segregating unit; isolator; 隔离区 isolation region; 隔离圈 cage ring; spacing ring; 隔离室 insulator; isolation ward; 隔离饲养 isolated rearing; 隔离医院 isolation hospital; 隔离罩 [机械工程] cage; shielding can; 隔离诊断 isolation diagnostic; 隔离装置 buffer; 隔离子 separant; 隔离作用 buffer action; buffer function
  • "机械" 英文翻译 :    1.(利用力学原理组成的各种装置) machinery; machine; mechanism 大型机械 big machinery; 工业机械 industrial machinery; 建筑机械 construction machinery; 选矿机械 ore-dressing machinery; 最新式的机械 up-to-date machinery2.(死板; 刻板) mechanical; inflexible; rigid 不要盲目地或机械地照搬外国的东西。 never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically.; 机械部分 mechanical part; 机械操纵员 leverman; 机械操作 mechanism; mechanical manipulation; 机械传动 mechanical drive; 机械动力 machine power; mechanized power; 机械动力学 dynamics of machinery;mechanical kinetics; 机械工厂 machine works; 机械工程(学) [工业] mechanical engineering; 机械工程师 mechanical engineer; 机械工人 mechanic; 机械工业 engineering industry; mechanical industry; 机械功 mechanical work; 机械功率 mechanical output; 机械零件 machine element; machinery parts; 机械师 mechanician; mechanist; mechanic; engineer; engineman; setting; 机械效率 mechanical efficiency; modulus of a machine; torque efficiency; 机械效能 mechanical effect; 机械造型 [工业] machine moulding; mechanical moulding;机械制图 [图] mechanical drafting; mechanical drawing; machine drawing; instrument drawing; 机械制造 machinofacture; 机械制造厂 engineering works
  • "(情绪)隔离" 英文翻译 :    isolation (of affect)
  • "被隔离" 英文翻译 :    be kept away from; be under quarantine
  • "泵隔离" 英文翻译 :    pumisolation
  • "槽隔离" 英文翻译 :    groove isolation
  • "反隔离" 英文翻译 :    desegregation
  • "分离,隔离" 英文翻译 :    segregation
  • "隔绝,隔离" 英文翻译 :    seclude
  • "隔离, 隐退" 英文翻译 :    seclusion
  • "隔离,分离" 英文翻译 :    sequestration
  • "隔离板" 英文翻译 :    division board
  • "隔离棒" 英文翻译 :    spacer rod; spacer strip
  • "隔离比" 英文翻译 :    isolation
  • "隔离壁" 英文翻译 :    dividing wall
  • "隔离表" 英文翻译 :    segregation table
  • "隔离舱" 英文翻译 :    cofferdam
  • "隔离沧" 英文翻译 :    cofferdam tank
  • "隔离槽" 英文翻译 :    isolation channel; isolation groove
  • "隔离层" 英文翻译 :    contact inhibitor; insulating course; insulating layer; insulation course; isolated layer; isolating course; isolating layer; isolation layer; layer of insulation; layer of nonconducting materials; seal; separate layer; separating course; separator; spacer
  • "隔离车" 英文翻译 :    runner wagon
机械隔离的英文翻译,机械隔离英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译机械隔离,机械隔离的英文意思,機械隔離的英文机械隔离 meaning in English機械隔離的英文机械隔离怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。