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  • jag
  • jny
  • jonesapparelgroup


  • Sir philip green , owner of the arcadia group , reckoned blair had some talent for a novice and offered him a job once he quits office next year
  • As president of g - iii apparel group she supervises marketing , merchandizing and product development for the company , keeping close tabs on everyone from division vps to designers
    作为g - iii服装集团的总裁,她为公司管理着市场营销、商品销售和产品开发等环节,监督着公司的每一个人,包括从各部门的副总裁道设计师。
  • Sir philip green , owner of the arcadia group which includes british high street giants such as topshop , reckoned blair had some talent for a novice and offered him a job once he quits office next year
  • Shandong ruyi is a large textile clothing group . ruyi group specializes in woolen products and garment , also cotton printing and dying , rabbit woollen yarn , knitting , chemical fibre , jean , real estate , etc
  • Sir philip green , owner of the arcadia group which includes british high street giants such as topshop , reckoned blair had some talent for a novice and offered him a job once he quits office next year . " you could have missed your vocation in
  • Sir philip green , owner of the arcadia group which includes british high street giants such as topshop , reckoned blair had some talent for a novice and offered him a job once he quits office next year . " you could have missed your vocation in life
  • With garments group enterprise as a background , this article adopts modernized information scheme like the management model " factory - marketing center - distributor - monopoly shop " to combine enterprise logistics , information flow with capital circulation
  • Shanghai shengda hotel is designed on the star standard , which is located in the south - west of shanghai , 500 metres from the south railway station , 8 kilometres away from hong qiao international airport , 2 kilometres from the xu jia hui business center
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