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  • mambo girl


  • When the family party heats up to its fun and clamour in mambo girl , i was restless , hoping i could fly through the time tunnel to the 1950s and 1960s , to smell once more my youthful boisterousness
  • Not to be missed out is the wong fei - hung series , the world record holder in film series close to 60 were filmed in his period , with 25 in 1956 alone . it is worth pointing out that the union spirit proclaimed in this period - putting personal fame and fortune behind group effort in the production of artistic , thought - provoking , edifying and entertaining films - steered local cinema to a new trend , which is a legacy that should be continued and developed . besides the above mentioned , fine mandarin films produced in this period include also the realist family melodrama
    这个时期出品的国语片杰作,除了上面提过的,还有伦理写实片中秋月1953 ,凤凰影业公司创业作国际电影懋业有限公司出品的伦理歌舞片曼波女郎1957翔凤舞1959邵氏公司出品的金瓶梅1955 ,第一部作世界性发行的港产片有杰出的喜剧片儿女经1953情窦初开1958等,也有掀起国语歌唱片热潮的桃花江1956 ,新华影业公司出品,以及林黛首次获得亚洲影后荣誉的金莲花1957 ,亦有尤敏第一次得到亚洲电影节最佳女主角荣衔的玉女私情1959等等。
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