As welch again seemed becalmed, even slowing further in his walk, dixon relaxed at his side . 威尔奇似乎又静下来,步子也迈得更加缓慢起来。这时,走在旁边的狄克逊才如释重负。
In britain , the latest numbers ? in retail sales and manufacturing ? point to weaker growth 在英国,最新的零售和工业数据显示趋于更加缓慢的增长。
If this proves to be a permanent shift , slower productivity growth bodes ill for inflation and living standards 如果这被证实为永久性转移,更加缓慢的生产率增长预示着通货膨胀和生活水平的凶兆。
Add a little friction ? some rain , or a threatened strike by baggage - handlers or caterers ? and things slow further 简单想象一下,如果下点雨,或者行李操作员或餐饮后勤人员弄出些乱子,一切运转将会更加缓慢。
It seems very likely , then , that america ' s labour supply will grow more slowly . and if that happens , potential output growth will too , unless productivity growth accelerates 那么很有可能美国劳动力供给将增长得更加缓慢,而且,如果这种状况发生的话,潜在产出增长也会一样。除非生产率增长加速上涨,否则情况不会改观。
If a fall in exports threatens to slow growth by more than desired , the government ' s strong fiscal position means that it has plenty of room to boost domestic demand by spending more on infrastructure , education or health 如果出口下降使得经济比预期的增长更加缓慢,政府的稳健财政状况意味着它已经有足够的空间来扩大内需,花费更多的钱在基础设施,教育或医疗健康等方面。
The kv series utilize the same engine without major changes and the more and more added heavy weight drops the maximum speed from 35 kilometers hours to 28 kilometers hour . off road performances are even worst and hard to operate . to solve the problem , a lightweight cast turret was born Kv系列一直使用的是统一型号的发动机,重量的增加导致kv坦克的最大速度由初期的35千米小时下降到28千米小时,在不平整地面上的行动能力也随着重量的增加而变的更加缓慢和难以操纵。