暗自 inwardly; secretly; to oneself 暗自高兴 secret rejoicing
高兴 1.(愉快而兴奋) glad; happy; pleased; elated; joyful; cheerful 我见到你很高兴。 i'm very glad to see you. 他听到这个消息一定很高兴。 he is sure to be pleased [happy] at the news. 他高高兴兴地上学去了。 he cheerfully went off to school. 快把这消息告诉你爷爷, 叫他老人家也高兴高兴。 tell grandpa the good news so that he can share our joy. 他高兴地接受了邀请。 he accepted the invitation with pleasure. 他们高兴得太早了。 they rejoiced too soon.2.(喜欢做某件事) be willing to; be happy to; be in high [fine; full; good] feather; be in high spirits; tread [walk] on air; be transported with joy; be in great form; rejoice at [over] sth.; be of good cheer; be pleased; be glad; jolly along; be happy; enjoy the happiness of sth.; fill with delight; with all the pleasure in life; have the time of one's life; brim over with high spirits; be mad with joy 你高兴去哪儿就去哪儿。 you may go where you are willing to. 你不高兴去就甭去了。 you needn't go if you don't feel like it
暗自庆幸 consider oneself lucky; rejoice in secret at (such) a stroke of luck; congratulate oneself; congratulate oneself privately for consider oneself lucky
自高自大 have a high opinion of oneself; arrogant; assume great airs; be above oneself; be as vain as a peacock; be conscious of one's importance; be disgustingly self-satisfied;be full of conceit; be on [get on] the high horse; be self-assertive; conceited; get too big for one's boots [breeches; shoes]; go about with one's head in the air; high-blown; imagine oneself to be superior to others; look down upon all others; have an overweening opinion of oneself; self-important and self-exalted;think highly of oneself; swelled head; swollenheaded
I realy felt proud inside , mom , the way you said i would … 我暗自高兴,妈妈,我照你那样说的做到了… …
" go along an get your breakfast , " she said roughly , though secretly pleased “去去,吃早饭去, ”她嘴上虽凶,心里却暗自高兴。
He knew that it was the real , living natasha , and did not wonder , but quietly rejoiced 他明白这是真实的活生生的娜塔莎,但并不吃惊,而且暗自高兴。
Although / though / even though i felt sorry for him , i was secretly pleased that he was having difficulties 虽然我为他感到惋惜,但对他的困难却暗自高兴。
Get out , don ' t shed crocodile tears to me ; you know you are really glad they ' ve met with misfortune 走开,别在我面前假惺惺的了;你自己明白,对他们遭到不幸你是暗自高兴的。
Now , i felt like those burdens had been removed and i was on cloud nine . and although alone , i giggled in spite of myself 可是在那个时刻,我却觉得重担已从身上卸下般,好如置身九重天,我暗自高兴地笑开了脸。
At the funeral , he shed crocodile tears while actually feeling happy about the large fortune the deceased old man had left him 葬礼上,他流了几滴假伤心的眼泪,内心却为死去的老人给他留下的大笔财产暗自高兴。
" i will give them until the end of tomorrow ' s training session to talk about charlton , and after that it will be banned , " ling said 博尔顿队方面,本赛季联赛对阵“枪手”取得的心理优势让该队对第4轮足总杯比赛抽签结果暗自高兴。
The minister was glad to have reached this shelter , without first betraying himself to the world by any of those strange and wicked eccentricities to which he had been continually impelled while passing 牧师能够进到这个庇荫之地,暗自高兴,因为这样一来,他就无须向世人暴露他在街上一路走来时那不断怂恿他的种种离奇古怪的邪念了。
I descended a little on the side of that delicious vale , surveying it with a secret kind of pleasure , tho mixt with my other afflicting thoughts to think that this was all my own , that i was king and lord of all this country indefeasibly , and had a right of possession ; and if i could convey it , i might have it in inheritance , as compleatly as any lord of a mannor in england 我沿着这个风景秀丽的山坡往下走了一段路,心里暗自高兴,却又夹杂着苦恼。我环顾四周,心里不禁想,这一切现在都是我的,我是这地方无可争辩的君王,对这儿拥有所有权,如果可以转让的话,我可以把这块地方传给子孙后代,像英国采邑的领主那样。