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  • And it didn ' t seem to matter whether the women drank wine or beer , according to the team , led by dr . meir stampfer , also of brigham and women ' s hospital
  • Aiming his analysis at the individual investor , hagstrom reviews the influence of buffett ' s mentors , ben graham and philip fisher , and illustrates buffett ' s synthesis of their investment philosophies
  • " there are also global implications , not least because a pollution parcel like this , which stretches three kilometers high , can travel half way round the globe in a week , " u . n . environment program chief klaus toepfer told a news conference in london on sunday
    联合国环境署主席克劳斯特普费尔8月11日在伦敦一个新闻发布会上说: "全世界范围内的环境污染已经初见端倪,仅仅亚洲上空这一片三公里厚的乌云,就可以在一周之内迅速蔓延,笼罩半个地球。 "英语新闻学习http : news . jewelove . net
  • The human resource management is to acculturate the big production and economic high flourishing outcome . the chinese economic system is be placed in from the traditional planned economy system to constuct the perfect socialism market economy system change . the postal service business enterprise human resource management practices along with the demand that situation develop , reforming to not agree with to match the management system of develop the demand , the first step builds up to meet the management system of develop the demand , the human resource manages to rise increasingly in the position in the management
    论文通过对美国著名管理学家杰弗瑞?普费福在《释放员工能量实现竞争优势》 (又译为《求势于人》 )中提出的16种人力资源管理实践研究归纳,并联系工作实际,将吉林邮政速递人力资源管理活动情况与16种管理实践进行对比分析,从而提出提高邮政速递企业竞争优势的人力资源管理具体措施。
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