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  • poussot


  • Japanese version of the book “ mapplethorpe ” published by mr asai in 1994 faced no trouble
  • A japanese version of the book “ mapplethorpe ” published by mr asai in 1994 faced no trouble
  • A pre - halloween poll by the associated press and ipsos shows that 34 % of people say they do
    美联社与益普索调查机构在万圣节前开展的一项民意调查显示, 34 %的受访者称他们信鬼。
  • A survey by ipsos mori found 17 percent of british office workers never have breakfast and 17 percent have it just one to three times a week
    该项由益普索?莫里调查机构开展的调查发现,英国17 %的办公室职员从不吃早餐, 17 %的人每周只吃一至三次早餐。
  • " worryingly , of those who rarely or never eat lunch , 27 percent also never eat breakfast during the working week , " said ipsos mori researchers in a statement
    普索?莫里调查机构在一份声明中说: “令人担忧的是,在那些很少或从来不吃午餐的人中, 27 %的人也从不吃早餐。 ”
  • Since its founding in 1975 , the ipsos group has grown into the third largest survey - based research company in the world and a leading provider of world - class services
  • If he makes any noise here i ll bring down seymour and we ll give him a ragging worse than they gave clive kempthorpe . young shouts of moneyed voices in clive kempthorpe s rooms
    要是他在这儿稍微一闹腾,我就把西摩30带来,我们会狠狠地收拾他一顿,比他们收拾克莱夫肯普索普的那次还要厉害。 ”
  • One poll , by ipsos , this week gave him 54 % of the vote in a run - off against 46 % for ms royal ? the widest gap of any poll taken since mr sarkozy got his party ' s nomination on january 14th
    根据益普索的民调来看,本周他获得54 %的选民支持而对手罗亚尔仅获得46 % ? ?这是萨尔科奇1月14日获得党内总统大选提名以来民调支持率差距最大的一次。
  • The ipsos group , with its headquarters in paris , has established branches in 50 countries covering 5 continents and also provides a complete list of major research services for companies in over 100 countries
  • 更多例句:  1  2


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