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  • stackell


  • 2 . talked about stackelberg model , and modify the hypothesis to fit the realism ; at the same time , apply two - class price discrimination to the manufacture of stackelberg model . at last compared the result of applying or not
    2 .叙述了斯塔克尔伯格模型,并对其假设条件进行修正,使其假设条件更接近现实情况;同时,对斯塔克尔伯格模型实施了二度价格歧视方法。
  • Applying two - class price discrimination not only increase manufacture ’ s profit , but improve consumer ’ s welfare . this paper based on the theory of two - class price discrimination , as the point of view of manufactures , use games theory as tool , compares the two model of economy ’ s manufacture ’ s profit , that is cournot and stackelberg , when they applying two - class price discrimination
  • A strategic move , according to schelling is “ one that influence the other person ’ s choice in a manner favorable to oneself by affecting the other person ’ s expectation on how one ’ s self will behave . ” strategic interaction among firms occurs along several dimensions : capacity , pricing , product policy and r & d . most of these involve substantial investments ; the last represents largely irreversible commitments to the industry and are an integral part of the process of establishing the firms ’ relative positions in terms of market share , costs and products
    在信息完全性的假定条件下,考虑到资产的专用性,通过对允许对手进入的斯塔克尔伯格均衡和阻止对手进入的过剩生产能力( excesscapacity )可置信威胁策略性行为的比较分析,数理论证了垄断企业中存在过剩生产能力的一种可能原因,是一种特定条件下各利益主体最大化其效用时出现的相对稳定状态。
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