It was on india that our definite breach occurred . 我们之间发生断然的决裂,是由印度问题而起的。
There was an unceremonious directness, a searching, decided steadfastness in his gaze now . 现在他的凝视中有一种不礼貌的直率,一种锐利、断然的坚定。
There is no doubt on our present knowledge that a bold decision would have cut the italian communications with ethiopia . 现在我们可以毫无疑问地认为,那时如果我们采取断然的手段,就一定能够截断意大利到埃塞俄比亚之间的交通。
But gigli was adamant , " no - one will leave juve in january . 但是吉格利断然的说: “没有人将在1月离开。 ”
The depositor positively positioned the preposition in that position on purpose 寄托者断然的故意的安置位置在前面。
Provoked by a complete refusal , she bit her lip and said , " then shall i send valentine to you ? 这种断然的拒绝使她很难堪,她咬了一下嘴唇,说道: “那么要我叫瓦朗蒂娜来吗? ”
Keeping control of your vehicle in strong winds , particularly near high - sided vehicles , demands quick and positive reactions 在强风中驾驶,特别是驶近高车身的车辆时,需要有快速和断然的反应,加强控制行车。
Making and living with design decisions can be difficult , especially when several different products and different designers must all live with common guidelines 断然的作出设计的决定是比较困难的,特别是当多个来自于不同项目的设计人员必须实行相同的规范时。
At last , by way of synthesis , i could not avoid my unfortunate tendency to reduce to an irreversible phrase what i am not capable of explaining 不翻出来,好像不能把马尔克斯自谑的语气表达出来呢。 “我通常有种不幸的倾向,对于解释不清的事,总爱将其归纳为这样一句断然的句子: . . . . . ”