Not surprisingly , sword fighting is on the agenda 不出意料,斗剑项目被排在日程里。
" the first good town we come to we ll hire a hall and do the sword fight in richard iii . and the balcony scene in romeo and juliet “到了下面第一个镇子,我们要租下一个会场,演出理查三世中斗剑一场和罗密欧朱丽叶中阳台情话一场。
Well , next they got out a couple of long swords that the duke made out of oak laths , and begun to practice the sword fight - the duke called himself richard iii . 好,到下一步,他们取出了一对长刀,是由公爵用橡木条做成的。他们开始练习斗剑公爵自称是理查第三。
The first chance we got the duke he had some showbills printed ; and after that , for two or three days as we floated along , the raft was a most uncommon lively place , for there warn t nothing but sword fighting and rehearsing - as the duke called it - going on all the time 一有机会,公爵就印好了几份演出的海报。在这以后,有两三天的时间,我们在河上漂流,木筏子上显得很活跃,不同寻常,因为木筏子上整天在斗剑啊,彩排啊是公路叫的这个名词除此以外,没有干别的。