College of archaeology and museum , peking university , beijing , 100871 北京大学考古文博院,北京, 100871
Group photo of officiating guests and representatives of the participating parties 主礼嘉宾和参与的文博机构代表合照
Numbers concerning sdicif 数字文博会
Its abundant resources can be divided into sight and non - sight resources 文博旅游资源丰富,可以分为景观性资源与非景观性资源。
The speciality of library of cultural relic system and the digitization construction of it 文博图书馆的专业性及其数字化建设思路
Cultural tourism is a sort of subject tourism form integrating with knowledge and interest 摘要文博旅游是一种集知识性与趣味性于一体的专题旅游形式。
For derivatives market related courses , please contact ms . susanna chow or mr . dominic ng 有关衍生产品市场之持续专业培训课程,请联络周?诗小姐或吴文博先生。
For derivatives market related courses , please contact mr . william wong or mr . dominic ng 有关衍生产品市场之持续专业培训课程,请联络黄伟龙先生或吴文博先生。
This kind of tourism form has the function of historical culture education , arts appreciation and science distinguishing 文博旅游具有历史文化教育、艺术审美和科学鉴真等方面的功能。