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  • audit trail
  • datachk data check


  • Row integrity is checked with a row data comparison
  • It is essential that all these figures be checked twice
  • The vector terrain data inspection based on secondary development of auotocad
  • Runs in a single thread ; each connection is checked for new data , and the data is delivered to the relevant protocol object
  • Abstract : the paper introduces the check steps and processing method when it receives some service announcement errors in s1240 exchange , it gives reference to the maintainersfor processing this kind of problem
  • The advanced evolution algorithm presented in this paper extend the topological function to querying loop network and querying connection line , which make a foundation for data check - up and data correction of radial analysis software
  • After analyzing the defect and shortcoming of current pipeline check software , the domain - driven design method and uml are introduced to review the check rules , then the pipeline check knowledge rule base capable of customization and its reasoning engine are put forward , finally checking the all - sided investigation pipeline data and its vector data combining with gis intelligently is realized
  • According to the structure and characteristic of contour vector data , this paper has put forward some algorithm , which is very useful to check the contour data quality . a practical system of checking the contour data has been developed . it includes some function blocks , such as algorithm of checking bar codes , graphic roaming , zooming in , zooming out , editing and modifying , and the quality checking and evaluating
    针对等高线矢量数据的结构和特点,提出一套实用性较强的等高线数据质量检查的算法,并建立了一个实用的等高线数据检查系统,其中包括条形码检查算法、图形漫游、放大、缩小、矢量的编辑修改、等高线的检查赋值等功能模块: 2
数据检查的英文翻译,数据检查英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译数据检查,数据检查的英文意思,數據檢查的英文数据检查 meaning in English數據檢查的英文数据检查怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。