救援 rescue; come to sb.'s help [rescue]: 紧急关头的救援 a last minute rescue; 这时他们都来救援他。then they all came to his rescue. 将军火速前往救援该要塞。 the general hastened to the relief of the fortress.◇救援车 rescue car; [机械工程] recovery vehicle; breakdown van; 救援船 salvor; 救援列车 breakdown train; relief train
I want to call the rescue plane and escape here . 我要呼叫救援飞机,离开这儿!
I want to call the rescue plane and escape here . . . 我要呼叫救援飞机,离开这儿!
U . n . relief plane brought water , tents , cooking sets and hygiene kits destined for the worst - hit district of bantul 一架联合国救援飞机为灾情最严重的日惹省班图尔地区带去水、帐篷、烹饪器具以及成套的卫生用品。
A u . n . relief plane brought water , tents , cooking sets and hygiene kits destined for the worst - hit district of bantul 一架联合国救援飞机为灾情最严重的日惹省班图尔地区带去水帐篷烹饪器具以及成套的卫生用品。
Air china has no commercial flights to tonga so it has to take a circuitous route covering a total of 21 , 100 kilometres over nine countries , according to airline spokesman wang yongsheng 中国航空发言人王永胜称,由于目前中国航空还没有直飞汤加航班,救援飞机只能绕道九个国家飞行21 , 100公里才能到达那里。