重担 heavy burden; heavy load; heavy responsibility; difficult task 把重担子留给自己 take the difficult tasks for oneslef; 肩上的重担 a heavy load on one's shoulders; 抢挑重担 rush to shoulder heavy responsibilities; 勇于挑重担 be ever ready to bear a heavy load on one's shoulders
放下 lay down; put down 放下包袱 lay down the burden; 放下手头的工作 put aside the work on hand; 放下架子 discard one's haughty airs; come off the high horse; drop pretentious airs; 放下武器 lay down arms; 放下书卷 lay down a volume; 他没干完的事决不会放下不干。 he will not lay it down until it is finished. 电话铃响了, 她放下了针线活。 she placed her sewing aside when the telephone rang
下重船 bottom heavy ship (or stiff vessel); bottom heavy vessel
We have to put down the burden periodically , so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on 我们要不时地放下重担,休息好了,才能再继续扛起它来。
We came into this place with our burdens . its time now to put your burdens down , to lay them at the feet of jesus christ 我们背负重担来到这里,现在是时候,让我们放下重担,放在耶稣基督脚前