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  • convergence theory


  • Convergence theorems for fuzzy martingales
  • In this chapter , we establish convergence theorem by using the majorizing method
  • In this chapter , we establish convergence theorem by using the recurrence relations
  • Meanwhile , extend discussions are carried out on the general convergence of iga in the pure mathematical sense , iga is proved to be weakly convergent in the sence of probability , weakly convergent a . e . ,
  • It follows from the general convergence theory that the em algorithm generally converge to a local maximum solution of the likelihood function and cannot be guaranteed to converge to a correct solution , i . e . , a consistent solution of the samples
  • It is proven that these modified dual algorithms still have the same convergence results as those of the conceptional dual algorithms in chapter 2 and chapter 3 . secondly , a dual algorithm is constructed for general constrained nonlinear programming problems and the local convergence theorem is established accordingly . the condition number of modified lagrange function ' s hessian is estimated , which also depends on the penalty parameter
  • The general nonlinear programming problem and the basic assumptions under which our convergence results hold are introduced in chapter 2 . in chapter 3 , we give the definition of the mpf which our method is based on , the mpf method and the trust region algorithm . the convergence results for the mpf method , some aspects concerning the practical implementation and some concluded remarks of the method are discussed in chapter 4
  • Chapter 3 is devoted to the study of the convergence theory of a dual algorithm for unconstrained minimax problems . a dual algorithm for solving unconstrained minimax problems , based on the penalty function of bertsekas ( 1982 ) , is presented . we prove that there exits a threshold of the penalty parameter satisfying that the sequences generated by the dual algorithm converge locally to the kuhn - tuker point of the unconstrained minimax problems when the penalty parameter is less than the threshold
    第3章给出无约束极大极小问题的一个对偶算法的收敛理论,给出一个基于bertsekas ( 1982 )罚函数的求解无约束极大极小问题的对偶算法,证明罚参数存在一个阀值,当罚参数小于这一阀值时,该对偶算法产生的序列局部收敛到问题的kuhn - tuker点,并建立了参数解的误差估计式,同样估计了罚函数的hesse阵的条件数,它也依赖于罚参数。
  • Therefore , the research for them has important learning value and certain degree of difficulty . just as weakening convexity of objective functions being a central issue in optimization problems , weakening monotonicity of set - valued mappings is an important research direction in set - valued variational inclusion problems
  • One is , based on answering the above open problem on a finite dimensional euclidean space by means of partially ordered theory , to research the existence of solutions , global error bounds of proximal solutions and sensitivity of parametric unique solutions and present a class of variable - parameter three - step iterative algorithms for generalized set - valued variational inclusion problems by using - resolvent operator of set - valued mapping . two is to consider the convexity , closedness and boundedness of the solution set of general set - valued variational inclusion problems and the sensitivity of the parametric solution set by means of graphical convergence theory . three is to discuss directly the existence of solutions by using analytical methods for set - valued mixed quasi - variational - like inequalities and suggest a class of direct variable - parameter three - step iterative algorithms for solving generalized set - valued variational inclusions
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