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  • arab
  • saracen


  • The saracens of the desert captured jerusalem .
  • Soon after this, richard made a truce with the saracens .
  • The saracens were stopped in 732 in poitiers by charles martel , grand father of charlemagne , a rather rough warior who was later painted as a national hero
  • “ by the cross of my sword , ” he said , laying his hand on the weapon as he spoke , “ i will be true companion to thee , saracen , while our fortune wills that we remain in company together
    “凭这剑的十字架起誓, ”他把手放在剑上说, “我将做你的忠实旅伴,撒拉逊人,既然命运要求我们相处在一起。 ”
  • Six years before the normans successfully conquered england , their first true island invasion was launched against the saracens that occupied sicily . . . with more than a little encouragement from the papacy
    诺曼人的第一次岛屿征服是在他们征服英格兰的六年前,他们得到教宗的大力支持,从海路攻击占领西西里的撒拉逊人(阿拉伯人) 。
  • The saracen was just aware of the formidable missile in time to interpose his light buckler betwixt the mace and his head ; but the violence of the blow forced the buckler down on his turban , and though that defence also contributed to deaden its violence , the saracen was beaten from his horse
  • The saracen came on at the speedy gallop of an arab horseman , managing his steed more by his limbs , and the inflection of his body , than by any use of the reins , which hung loose in his left hand ; so that he was enabled to wield the light round buckler of the skin of the rhinoceros , ornamented with silver loops , which he wore on his arm , swinging it as if he meant to oppose its slender circle to the formidable thrust of the western lance


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