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  • remote controller


  • With the new service remote control , the flush time and other functions
  • I bought this tv remote at the health and fitness store . they said it ' s the only piece of exercise equipment most people ever use
  • Knowing that his music fans have been waiting for his live music show for seven years , edmond leung finally held his concert at the hong kong coliseum on october 8 and 9 , 2006
    -独有动画漫画切换功能让你随意按摇控器的“ angle ”键穿梭欣赏动画影片及漫画故事。
  • He breaks into this house several times , but each time he only steals worthless stuff like tv remote controls and sushi . sang - tae is enraged and he decides to fight back
    Kang - jo多番潜入sang - tae的家,每次只偷电视摇控器及寿司等无关痛痒的东西,但却令sang - tae烦恼不已。
  • First they must make the circuitry and software simple and reliable enough that couch potatoes can control them from a handheld remote while half - asleep
  • A total of 16 secondary school teams and 5 university college teams took part in the final competition , in which teams remotely controlled their self - designed robots to complete three tasks
  • Massage back and waist can effective eliminate to reduce backache with alleviate nerve pain massage geng item and shoulder make stiff geng item and shoulder have loosened chi recovery dexterous massage foot inside and outside side surface can promote blood cycle , eliminate exhausted massage foot board the blood cycle that can promote sole is reinforced to metabolize tape to shake to control ware , is operating and more convenient
  • These chip inductors provide maximum protection features for solder reflow , welding and come with precise formed caps of high temperature acrylic for perfect co - centering and vacuum pickup . they have excellent solderability and are able to withstand pull - up force , mechanical shock and pressure . available in sizes of 0402 , 0603 , 0805 , 1008 , 1206 , 1210 , our chip inductors have wide inductance range for virtually all broadband and rf applications
    台达电子提供全系列之被动元件,包括0402 0603 0805 1008 1206与1210系列,可应用于行动电话基地台宽频通讯无线电话个人数位助理pda呼叫器摇控器电视机上盒数据机电压控制振荡器与高频模组等。
摇控器的英文翻译,摇控器英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译摇控器,摇控器的英文意思,搖控器的英文摇控器 meaning in English搖控器的英文摇控器怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。