- discredit; put to shame
搞臭某人 make sb.'s name stink
- 把某人搞臭 drag sb. through the mire
- 把人搞臭 bring odium upon a person; drag a person through the mire; expose sb. thoroughly
- 搞臭某人 make sb.'s name stink
- 使走味, 搞臭 blow upon
- 搞成, 接通 put through
- 搞出 work out; achieve; produce 搞出成果 achieve results; 把方案搞出来 work out a plan
- 搞成 rear 2
- 搞出成果 achieve results
- 搞不清航空器的位置 to lose an aircraft position
- 搞创造对他有无法抗拒的吸引力 creative work appealed to him irresistibly
- 搞不清楚,她是怎麽进入我生命 still wonder how, she came my way
- 搞错 mistake 我把他们俩搞错了。 i mistook the one for the other
- 搞不清楚,理不出头绪 couldn't make heads or tails of sth
- Yes . l need you to get some dirt on these two guys
就是他,我需要帮我搞臭两个人 - This corningstone business is really hurting our rep
康宁斯顿把我们的名声都搞臭了! - You ' re shit ' s stinking up the entire hospital
你把整个医院都搞臭了 - Elizabeth : no , it won ' t . tearing them down will only make you feel worse
伊利莎伯:不成,不能那样做。把她们搞臭只能令到你处境更遭。 - The rumors that he has been friendly with underworld figures has given the candidate a black eye
(关于那位候选人与黑社会人物交往密切的流言把他的名声搞臭了。 ) - In the meantime , his closest supporters planned to sabotage peace and those who opposed his personal rule
在此期间则由他的亲信设法破坏和谈,搞臭那些反对他亲政的人。 - The number of " cowboys " on the road is probably small , but their behavior is getting them all a bad name
- 搞臭的法语:discréditer
- 搞臭的日语:gao3chou4 人の名誉などをおとしめる
- 搞臭的韩语:[동사] (기세를) 납작하게 만들다. 여지없이[철저하게] 꺾어 놓다. 사회적으로 매장해 버리다.
- 搞臭的俄语:[gǎochòu] дискредитировать; развенчать