插班 join a class in the middle of the course; enter another school (class) according to one's grade◇插班生 a student who joins a class in the middle of the course
Where will recruitment for elementary and slot - in trainees take place 何时招募初班及插班生?
Recruitment for 2007 08 imts intermediate slot - in trainees 2007 08器乐训练计划招收中级及插班生
This was the first notable increase since 2001 , and it included a 10 % jump in new international students 这是至2001年以来最显著的增长,其中包括10 %的国际插班生。
Students in this program will study in the college of chinese language and culture for at least three years 插班生在汉语文化学院总的学习时间不得少于三年。综合考试定于每年
Recruitment for intermediate year - 1 classes and slot - in trainees commencing in september is annually held in april may 是项训练每年于4 5月招收中级一年班及插班生,于9月开始上课。
Please note , however , that no class transfer is allowed for first - year beginners , intermediate year - one and slot - in trainees 惟初班,中级一年班及插班生于入学第一年内均不可调班。
If autumn terms begins your school , join a class in the middle of the course is unripe in those days ; if spring terms begins , that is not 假如你的学校是秋季开学的,那时插班生;假如是春季开学的,那不是。
Students in the mid - course program in chinese language will study for at least three years , and tuition is paid according to the actual duration of study 汉语文化学院的插班生学制最短为三年,按实际学习时间交纳学费。
I dropped out of reed college after the first six months , but then stayed around as a drop - in for another 18 months or so before i really quit 在进入里德学院后的第六个月我就退了学,接着作为一名插班生,我又在那儿待了18个月,才真正地离开学院。
I dropped out of reed college after the first 6 months , but then stayed around as a drop - in for another 18 months or so before i really quit 进入瑞德学院学习六个月后,我便退学了;但是在真正退出那所学院之前,我又作为一个插班生,在那里继续学习了十八个月。