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  • roll


  • I stretched and rubbed my eyes .
  • He rubbed his eyes and yawned
  • I thought i must be imagining things , so i rubbed my eyes and looked again , and sure enough , two ladies it was
    我想这可能是我的幻觉,但是我揉揉眼睛再看,果真是两位妇人! ”
  • The gryphon sat up and rubbed its eyes : then it watched the queen till she was out of sight : then it chuckled . what fun
    鹰头狮坐起来揉揉眼睛,瞧着王后,直到她走得看不见了,才笑了起来, “你笑什么? ”
  • And then he ordered a drink , saying " one more drink ! " and then he looked again . finally , one of the brothers laughed and said , " that s right , sir
  • They were learning to draw , the dormouse went on , yawning and rubbing its eyes , for it was getting very sleepy ; and they drew all manner of things - everything that begins with an m - why with an m ? said alice
    “她们学着画画, ”睡鼠继续说着,一边打了个哈欠,又揉揉眼睛,已经非常困了, “她们画各种各样的东西,而每件东西都是用老宇开头的。 ”
  • The small angel turn overed the small face for precious stone for spring for small mouth of body , piece , piece , , fat and fat and smallly clapping clapping the light and small face of powder , rub eyes , openning , wa , that eye wateryly , eachly like ofly first first purely seeing the bottom , beautifully resemble the embed intoing the on the face , connecting in the sky breeze mother - in - law , cloud mother , all unbearablely frivolously she that lovelyly , yi , and this is what is the row son
  • He hopped and bobbed clumsily along on his injured ankle , throwing stones and screaming hoarsely at times ; at other times hopping and bobbing silently along , picking himself up grimly and patiently when he fell , or rubbing his eyes with his hand when the giddiness threatened to overpower him
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