接踵而来 follow close on [upon] another; arrive in quick succession; arrive [come] one after another in rapid succession; be rapidly followed by; come in rapid [quick; close] succession; come one after another; come one on the heels of the other; supervene; supervention; tread on the heels of 接踵而来的消息更鼓舞了我们。 it was rapidly followed by some news that was even more exciting to us
摩肩接踵 jostle one another on the way; be jam-packed with people; jostle each other in a crowd; rubbing the shoulders and following the steps; shoulder to shoulder and closely upon heels
皆 副词[书面语] (都; 都是) all; each and every 比比皆是 can be found everywhere; 人人皆知 it is known to all; it is public knowledge; 四海之内皆兄弟。 within the four seas all men are brothers.; all the people of the world are brothers
Then had come the great battles of the artillery . 接踵而至的是大规模的炮战。
Then comes on the sorest evil, the heaviest disease . 那么最大的痛苦和最严重的疾病便会接踵而至。
She was something that is going to be-soon-soon-very soon . 她的那个自我将接踵而至,马上就要来临。
Once out of the farm the approach of poverty would be sure . 一旦失去了农场,贫穷肯定就会接踵而至。
They never lost their modesty when honors were showered upon them . 尽管各种荣誉接踵而至,他们始终保持谦虚的美德。
As the big problems of thirties were brought under some kind of rough control, new problems took their place . 当三十年代的主要问题刚刚大体上受到了控制,新的问题又接踵而至。
Little fanny was very much changed and worn by the fever and agitation, and passion and despair, which the past three weeks had poured upon the head of that little victim . 小芬妮变多了过去三个星期中,疾病和烦恼,热恋和失望接踵而至,袭击着这个可怜虫。
If not , it could be a great leap backwards 否则,大踏步的倒退就有可能接踵而至。
But there have also been unintended consequences 但未预料到的后果接踵而至。
Further details of the attack continue to pour in 袭击的进一步情况接踵而至