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  • terenti
  • terenty


  • Whos to put it out ? cried the voice of danilo terentyitch , silent till that moment
  • Danilo terentyitch made no reply , and for a long while all were mute again
  • And what do you say , danilo terentyitch ? thats a fire in moscow , isnt it ? said one of the footmen
    “您的看法如何,丹尼洛捷连季奇,这好像是莫斯科的火光吧? ”
  • The change that had taken place in pierre was noticed in their own way by his servants tooterenty and vaska
  • An old man , the counts valet as he was called , danilo terentyitch , came up to the crowd and called mishka
  • Often after undressing his master , and wishing him good night , terenty would linger with his boots and his clothes in his hand , in the hope that his master would begin a conversation with him
  • On coming to himself after his illness , pierre saw waiting on him two of his servants , terenty and vaska , who had come from moscow , and the eldest of his cousins , who was staying at pierres estate in elets , and hearing of his rescue and his illness had come to nurse him
  • Come , tell me , then how did you manage to get anything to eat ? he would ask . and terenty would begin his tales of the destruction of moscow and of the late count , and would stand a long while with the clothes , talking away or listening to pierre ; and it was with a pleasant sense of his masters close intimacy with him and affection for him that he finally withdrew
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