At least it won ' t wind at least . 至少当哪个混蛋要换换气的时候我不至于吹风
At least it won ' t wind at least 至少当哪个混蛋要换换气的时候我不至于吹风
I allowed myself to see that i was no less dedicated 对我而言,工作就是这样一个换换气的地方。
Ventilation controlled combustion 控制换气的燃烧
Meanwhile , they should encourage those among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air 从眼前来说,他们对我们中间有些游不到5码便急着想换气的人来说,总该是个鼓励吧。
Meanwhile , they should encourage those among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air 从眼前来说,他们对我们中间有些游不到5码便急着想换气的人来说,总该是个鼓励吧。
In other workshop areas : locations that have potent smelling areas , areas that contain powders and dust , and places need continuous filtration of air 其它:有污染性气体或气味浓烈、粉尘较小的场所以及需排气与换气的场所。
A good teaching point is to look down at the water ( when you take a breath ) . you should lift your head just enough to breathe 还有一个教学要点就是要做到目光要向下看,注视池底(当你换气的时候) 。头部出水的程度仅仅够换一口气就足矣了。
Standing at the side of the largest hole for several hours , she studied the whales as they rose out of the water for air . sometimes she dove after them 她在最大的一个冰洞旁等了几个小时,仔细注视着浮出水面换气的鲸,有时还突然向它们冲去。
And then would follow a few moments of sleep , for , retreating completely into our love , we were like two persistent divers who return to the surface only to take breath 接着又再打一会儿瞌睡。我们就像沉没在爱河之中的两个顽强的潜水员,只是在换气的时候才浮出水面。