换句话说 in other words; say sth. in other words; that is to say 从今天起两星期后, 换句话说, 即3月1日 two weeks from today, in other words, the 1st of march; 他没有去, 换句话说, 他去的这个事实无案可查。 he didn't go, that is to say; it is not recorded that he did
即 Ⅰ动词1.(靠近; 接触) approach; reach; be near 可望而不可即 within sight but beyond reach2.(到; 开始从事) assume; undertake 即位 ascend the throne3.(就着) prompted by the occasion 即兴 impromptu4.[书面语] (表示判断: 就是) be; mean; namely 春节即农历新年。the spring festival is the lunar new year. 非此即彼。 it must be either this or that. 元代建都于大都, 即今之北京。the yuan dynasty established its capital in dadu, now beijing. 这条铁路连接两个城市, 即纽约与芝加哥。 the railroad connects two cities, namely, new york and chicago.Ⅱ形容词(当下; 目前) the same (day, etc.); immediate; at present; in the immediate future 即日 this very day; 即今 right now; at this very moment; 成功在即。 success is in sight.Ⅲ副词[书面语] (就; 便) promptly; at once 黎明即起 get up as soon as it dawns; 闻过即改 correct one's mistake as soon as it is pointed out; 招之即来 be on call at any hourⅣ连词[书面语] (即使) even; even ifⅤ名词(姓氏) a surname 即费 ji fei
话说 (the story) says... (often in the beginning of a story)
因为一千句话说出走过的岁月 cause a thousand words call out through the ages
In other words, the magnitude of the angular momentum is increased, its direction remaining the same . 换句话说,即角动量的大小增加了,但其方向不变。
To put it another way , language does not commence as the translation of an interior and pre - existent thought into a string of signs 换句话说,即语言一开始并不时作为内部或前存在(者)的思想被翻译成一连串符号。
There is a saying that " although clay dragons cannot bring rain , in asking for rain one must rely on clay dragons , " to which we d like to add that " although the self nature does not transcend the 古语有云,不单是活佛菩萨罗汉,乃至天地皆从中道而生。换句话说,即是常忠于自性,不著于色,不著于空。