持久 lasting; enduring; durable; persistent; permanent; protracted; endurance 持久和平 lasting peace; enduring peace; 作持久打算 plan on a long-term basis; 没有正确的领导, 群众的积极性就不可能持久。 without correct leadership, the enthusiasm of the masses cannot be sustained
Rarely can permanent control be achieved by a single application of spray . 使用一次药剂防治难于持久地控制害虫。
What is the enemy's capability to mount sustained operations? could they succeed in undoing our gains ? 敌人持久地进行军事行动的能力如何?他们能够成功地使我们取得的成果化为乌有吗?
Every business strives to have long lasting relationship with customers 每个企业努力持久地与顾客保持合作关系。
Carrying on the education of opposing metaphysical mode of thinking among cadres 持久地在干部中开展反对形而上学思维方法的教育
Holding high the banner of national unity and carrying on the struggle against separatism deeply and unceasingly 高举民族大团结和祖国统一的旗帜深入持久地开展反分裂斗争
This gives the children the means to help themselves , the only way to reduce poverty on a long - term basis 只有以这个方式,这些孩子们才能获得自助所需的工具,这是唯一的一个能持久地解决贫困的办法。
Mirror is commonly used hi almost all sorts of folk custom , such as birth , marriage , burial rites , medical treatment and divination 民俗的各主要方面,如生育、婚姻、丧葬、医疗、占卜中,都广泛持久地用到镜。
In closing , i would like you to join me in a toast to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two countries , cheers 在我结束讲话之际,我请各位和我一起举杯为我们两国之间持久地友谊和合作,干杯!
He said he is alarmed by the increasingly partisan tone to the debate in the united states over continued military operations in iraq 他称他对美国党派日旷持久地在美是否继续在伊进行军事行动问题上进行争论表示警觉。
He did not readily accept the version of those who were partisans in any matter , but always searched long and carefully for the truth 他从不随便相信那些控告某人在什么事件中是同党的说法,而总是仔细持久地探寻事实。