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  • raboulin
  • sápmi


  • In 1865 , george began to accumulate parcels of land by obtaining 46 , 000 acres of the piedra blanco ranch on california ' s central coast
  • Here s an envious fellow making himself boozy on wine when he ought to be nursing his wrath , and here is a fool who sees the woman he loves stolen from under his nose and takes on like a big baby . yet this catalan has eyes that glisten like those of the vengeful spaniards , sicilians , and calabrians , and the other has fists big enough to crush an ox at one blow . unquestionably , edmond s star is in the ascendant , and he will marry the splendid girl - he will be captain , too , and laugh at us all , unless " - a sinister smile passed over danglars lips - " unless i take a hand in the affair , " he added
    “我跟这个傻瓜打交道是搞不出什么名堂来的, ”他默默地自语道, “我竟在这儿夹在了一个是醉鬼,一个是懦夫中间,这真让我不安,可这个迦太罗尼亚人那闪光的眼睛却象西班牙人西西里人和卡拉布兰人,而他不仅将要娶到一位漂亮的姑娘,而且又要做船长,他可以嘲笑我们这些人,除非”腾格拉尔的嘴边浮起一个阴险的微笑“除非我来做点什么干涉一下。 ”
  • Blanche ingram , after having repelled , by supercilious taciturnity , some efforts of mrs . dent and mrs . eshton to draw her into conversation , had first murmured over some sentimental tunes and airs on the piano , and then , having fetched a novel from the library , had flung herself in haughty listlessness on a sofa , and prepared to beguile , by the spell of fiction , the tedious hours of absence
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