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  • measures which favour investment in
  • "投资"英文翻译    put money in; invest
  • "倾斜"英文翻译    bias; tilt; dip; lean; incli ...
  • "制度"英文翻译    system; institution
  • "投资倾向" 英文翻译 :    intention to invest; investment propensity; propensity to invest
  • "边际投资倾向" 英文翻译 :    marginal propensity to invest
  • "享受国家规定的工资倾斜政策" 英文翻译 :    enjoy preferential treatment in remuneration as stipulated by the government
  • "海外投资保险制度" 英文翻译 :    the insurance of overseas investment
  • "合格的境外投资者制度" 英文翻译 :    qfii
  • "倾斜" 英文翻译 :    bias; tilt; dip; lean; incline; slope; slant; favour 急陡倾斜 a steep slope; 向教育倾斜 favour education; 投资倾斜制度 measures which favour investment in; 树往房子那边倾斜。 the tree leans toward the house. 那个耳背的人向前倾斜着身子, 以便听清谈话。 the partly deaf man inclined forward to hear the conversation more clearly. 大多数字体是向右倾斜的。 most handwriting slants to the right. 他喜欢把头往前倾斜。 he likes to tilt his head forward.; 倾斜校正器 tilt corrector; 倾斜面 inclined plane; tilt; 倾斜天线 inclined antenna; tilted antenna; 倾斜装载机 heldiver
  • "制度" 英文翻译 :    system; institution 规章制度 rules and regulations; 笔试制度 system of written work; 财务制度 financial system; fiscal system; 工厂制度 factory system; 工资制度 wage system; 管理制度 management system; 管理货币制度 managed currency system; 国际货币制度 international monetary system; 家庭作业制度 system of home study; 价格制度 price system; 教育制度 educational scheme; system of education; 奖惩制度 system of encouragements and penalties; 考查制度 system of inspection; 劳动报酬制度 scheme of payment; 奴隶制度 slave system; slavery; 生产制度 production system; 市场制度 market system; 统计制度 statistical system; 物质刺激制度 incentive scheme; 学生升[留]级制度 system of promoting [holding back] students; 招生制度 system of enrolment; 质量检查制度 quality auditing system; 作息制度 system of work and rest; 婚姻制度 institution of marriage; 社会制度 social system; 社会主义制度 socialist system; 制度化 systematism; institutionalize; be institutionalized
  • "投资" 英文翻译 :    1.(投放资金) invest 投资于工业 invest in industrial enterprises2.(投入的资金) investment; money invested 基本建设投资 investment in capital construction; 削减投资 cut back investment; 非生产性投资 investment in nonproductive project; 国家投资 state investment; 收回本厂投资 recoup the plant's capital outlay; 投资包干 investment lump-sum contracting; 投资保证 investment guarantee; 投资边际效率 marginal efficiency of investment; 投资场所 outlet for investment; 投资成本 capitalized cost; 投资额 amount of capital invested; 投资方案 investment priorities; 投资方向 investment along proper lines; investment orientation; methods of investments; 投资费 investment cost; 投资公司 investment company; 投资股份 capital investment shares; 投资管理 management of investment; 投资规模 scale of investment; 投资环境 investment environment; investment climate; 投资回收 returns on investment; recoup the sum invested; 投资回收率 rate of return on investment (投资利润率); 投资基金 investment funds; 投资机会 investment opportunity; 投资计划 investment plan; 投资价值 investment value; value of each contribution; 投资净额 net investment; 投资净收益 net investment income; 投资决策 investment decision; 投资率 rate of investment; 投资气候 investment climate; 投资洽谈会 investment symposium; 投资市场 investment market; 投资收益 income from investment; income on investment; 投资收益率 return on investment; 投资税收减让 tax incentives for; 投资限额 size of investment; 投资效益 returns on investment; investment result; benefit of investment; investment returns; 投资信贷 investment credit; 投资信托公司 investment trust; investment company; 投资信用 investment credit; 投资银行 investment bank; 投资银行业 investment banking; 投资债券 investment bond; 投资者 investor; 投资中心 investment center; 投资资本 invested capital; venture capital; 投资总规模 volume of total investment; 投资总量 aggregate investment
  • "trendelenburg倾斜" 英文翻译 :    trendelenburg lurch
  • "场倾斜" 英文翻译 :    field tilt
  • "磁倾斜" 英文翻译 :    magnetic inclination
  • "低倾斜" 英文翻译 :    low dip
  • "底倾斜" 英文翻译 :    slanted floor
  • "地倾斜" 英文翻译 :    earth tilt; ground tilt
  • "陡倾斜" 英文翻译 :    steep pitch
  • "反倾斜" 英文翻译 :    adverse grade; antidip; reversal dip
  • "负倾斜" 英文翻译 :    reverse caster
  • "高倾斜" 英文翻译 :    high dip; highdip; stee lope; steep slope
  • "古倾斜" 英文翻译 :    paleotilt
  • "横倾斜" 英文翻译 :    bank
  • "缓倾斜" 英文翻译 :    easy gradient; flat dip; flat gradient; flat pitch; gentle dip; gentle slope; low pitch; low-angle dip; moderate dip; slight pitch
  • "急倾斜" 英文翻译 :    heavy pitch; steep dip; steep grade; steep pitch
投资倾斜制度的英文翻译,投资倾斜制度英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译投资倾斜制度,投资倾斜制度的英文意思,投資傾斜制度的英文投资倾斜制度 meaning in English投資傾斜制度的英文投资倾斜制度怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。