骨干 1.[解剖学] (长骨的中央部分) diaphysis2.(起主要作用的) backbone; mainstay 科技队伍的骨干力量 the backbone of the scientific and technological contingents; 起骨干作用 be a mainstay; 领导骨干 mainstay of the leadership; 骨干分子 core member; key member; 骨干工程 backbone projects; major projects; 骨干企业 key enterprises; 骨干炎 diaphysitis
Now , we have had a staff group who are united , steady and technology exquisite 公司定期培训技术骨干及管理干部,己形成团结稳定、技术精湛的员工团队。
The toll was highest among skilled workers : two - thirds of managers and technical staff went 这在熟练的工人中比例最高: 2 3的管理者和技术骨干离开了。
Our technique core all possess special knowledge in designing , producing massage and fit series 公司的技术骨干都具备设计、生产按摩健身产品的专业知识。
Management team : include management structure and the resumes of founders , senior managers and technical personnel 管理队伍:公司的管理架构,以及创始人、主要管理人员和技术骨干的简历。
The company has experienced management , a strong technological ability and a permanent technical team to research and develop new products 庆展公司目前拥有丰富管理经验雄厚的技术力量稳定的技术骨干队伍的人才库。
Gl biochem has a state - of - the art 17 , 000 sq . meter size manufacturing facility for the production of peptide reagents and peptide 公司凭借一批优秀技术骨干和高级管理人才,快速应对国际市场需求,研究开发了一系列的新产品。
Lee on - owned company experienced architects , accountants , lawyers and a number of senior management personnel and technical backbone of more than 30 people 家利安公司拥有经验丰富的建筑师、会计师、律师等一批高级管理人才和技术骨干30余人。
In possession of national most advanced production craft , we also possess a group of rich experienced high - quality technicians , administrators and marketing staff 拥有目前国内较为先进的生产技术,同时拥有一批经验丰富的高素质技术骨干管理人才及销售精英。
Ex . : xiao zhou hasn ' t been to college , but he studied assiduously by himself and became the backbone technician of the factory , or the key figure in profession , as everyone says 例:小舟虽然没上过大学,但他自己刻苦学习,成了厂里的技术骨干,大家说在业务上他是顶梁柱。