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  • tolma
  • torma


  • The first army was under the command of barclay de tolly , the second under the command of bagration , and the third under the command of tormasov . the tsar was with the first army , but not in the capacity of commander - in - chief
  • History what passes by that name answers these questions by saying that that came to pass because kutuzov , and tormasov , and tchitchagov , and this general and that failed to carry out certain manuvres . but why did they fail to carry them out
  • Half of the army was lost without a battle . at this period of the campaign the soldiers were without boots or fur - lined coats , on half rations , without vodka , camping out at night for months in the snow with fifteen degrees of frost ; while there were only seven or eight hours of daylight , and the rest was night ; where discipline could not exert the same influence , and men were put in peril of death , not for a few hours , as on the field of battle , but for whole months together were keeping up a struggle every moment with death from cold and hunger


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