打击 strike; attack; crack down; hit; trip; swash; collision; verberation; blow 打击刑事犯罪 crack down on crime; 沉重的打击 a heavy blow; 打击经济领域的严重犯罪活动 struggle against serious crimes in the economic field; crack down on serious criminal activities in the economic field; 打击投机倒把活动 crack down on speculation and profiteering; 打击歪风 take strong measures against unhealthy tendencies; combat unhealthy tendencies
Your hitting hand is now in the inside position 你的打击手现在是在内侧位置
The batter ’ s bitter butter ’ s better 那个打击手的苦奶油比较好。
[ man on p . a . ] designatedhitter . number 18 下个打击手,十八号
Man on p . a . designatedhitter . number 18 下个打击手,十八号
When you reach the contact point , the knuckles on the hitting hand should be facing the target 当你达到接触点的时候,在打击手上的指节应该正面对目标。
Then the next batter up was armstrong . he got two strikes , then managed to get that hit on the third pitch 紧接着上场的打击手是阿姆斯壮,他先得到两个好球,接着在第三球时打击出去。
George pitched a ball that was very fast and the batter missed it . then he let up on the next pitch and the batter was badly fooled 乔治投了个快速球,击球手没击中,接着投一个慢速球,把打击手骗惨了。
The department of magical law enforcement maintains squads of trained hit wizards whose job it is to capture dangerous wizard criminals 魔法法律执行队有一班训练过的打击手,他们的工作是逮捕危险的巫师罪犯。
Fig . 43 the knuckles on the hitting hand should be facing the target at contact . let the knuckles continue on target as if hitting four balls 图43打击手上的指节在接触点应该正面对目标。好像打击四个球,让指节继续对准在目标上。
Make sure that the palm of the hitting hand is facing down at the low point of the backswing ( which is one foot below the contact point ) , then keep the wrist and forearm steady as you swing low to high from the shoulder 确定打击手的手掌正在下面向著后拉挥拍的低点(接触点下面一? ) ,然后当你从肩膀由低往高挥拍时,让手腕和前臂保持稳定状态。