国际贸易往来手续简化法 simplification of international trade procedures
简便 simple and convenient; handy 简便的方法 a simple and convenient method; a handy way; 操作简便 easy to operate; 这是一种很简便的开罐头工具。 this is a very handy tool for opening cans.; 简便食堂 beaufet
手续 procedures; formalities; routine; process 手续不完备 have not completed the formalities; 办手续 go through formalities; 法律手续 legal formalities; 正规手续 regular procedure; 他熟悉出口手续。 he is familiar with export procedure.; 手续费 service charge; commission; factorage; commission charges; handling charges; handling cost; service fee
Registering is simple and free , so don t delay and 手续简便,费用全免勿再迟疑,请即
To register for the online services 登记网上服务手续简便且免费,
Registration is easy and free 登记手续简便且免费,请
Manupro , a disability income protection plan , can provide that comfort 计划特点:申请手续简便,行政处理容易
You can get an e - cert of your own in just a few minutes 申请手续简便,数分钟即可完成,还不快快给自己申请一张?
Application is simple and easy 申请手续简便,
It s easy to apply - just complete the tax loan application form and mail it to us , or you may fax it to 申请手续简便,你只需填妥优悠税悦税务贷款申请表格并寄回本行;或传真至
Yes , you are able to view , transfer , or redeem your membership rewards points using our online services , registration is easy and free 您可透过我们的网上服务查阅您的运通积分。登记网上服务手续简便且免费,
You can pick up the qts consumer leaflet at the hktb visitor information and services centres when you arrive in hong kong 您惠顾时,只需出示优质旅游服务计划小册子或旅游证件,即可享有优惠,手续简便,店员会向您讲解详情。