这个风俗可上溯到战国时期 the custom traces to the time of the warring states
战国 warring states 战国时代 the period of warring states (475-221 b.c.); 战国铜器 bronzes of warring-states period
Historical cultural features in han river valley 春秋战国时代文化传播的社会功能
So it must have been in the same warring period 所以这几个人应该都是战国时代的人。
The division of the country during the sengoku period 全国分裂的战国时代
Section 1 . from the sengoku period to unification of the nation 第1节从战国时代到统一天下
Master says there was a king in china . his name was chou mu wang 在中国有位国王叫周穆王,大约是二千五百年前战国时代的一个国王。
Shen chiang both wrote and directed this monumental tale of three entire kingdoms 本片为申江于1972年自编自导的战国时代历史武侠片。
Opening and mergence : social functions of cultural dissemination during spring amp; autumn and warring states periods 春秋战国时代文化传播的社会功能
Chou mu wang was a king about two thousand five hundred years ago , during the warring period 在中国有位国王叫周穆王,大约是二千五百年前战国时代的一个国王。
Leadership emerges under nobunaga , hideyoshi ( fascinating personality ) and ieyasu begins the rigid the tokugawa era ( 1603 - 1867 ) 战国时代群雄割据政局纷乱,织田信长,丰田秀吉,德川家族相继崛起。
One of the first historical persons who suggested that talented people are treasures of a society is qi wei wang , a king in the period of warring states 摘要我国最早以明确话语提出人才是宝的历史人物是战国时代的齐威王。