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  • component index


  • Study on weekend effect of stock market the analysis of shanghai composition index
  • Chapter 6 calculated var values of composite index in shanghai stock exchange and component index in shenzhen stock exchange at difference confidence level using difference methods , and we compared these results with real profit - loss
  • Based on these , referring to the experience of listing company ' s evaluation system in developed countries , considering china ' s reality , utilizing modem scientific evaluation theories and statistical theories , and employing tactics integrating qualitative and quantitative analysis , this thesis has designed a new listing company ' s evaluation system . finally , the thesis uses this system to evaluate the companies that listed in shenzhen new component index
  • Although the conditions of the transaction of stock index futures have almost mature , stock index of our security market can not applied to underlying index , research on the shanghai and the shenzhen composite index , shanghai 30 index and the shenzhen sub - index , we can find many defects if they apply underlying index
  • Analyzing the closing prices of composite index in shanghai stock market and component index in shenzheng stock market between january 11th 1993 and december 31th 2002 and using unexpected trading volume as the substitute for information flow , it illustrates the relationship between information flow and price volatility
    该部分以1993 1 11起到2002 12 31的上证综合指数与深证成份指数日收盘价为研究对象,采用非预期交易量作为信息流的替代指标,分析信息流与波动性之间的关系。第四部分,结论部分。
成份指数的英文翻译,成份指数英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译成份指数,成份指数的英文意思,成份指數的英文成份指数 meaning in English成份指數的英文成份指数怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。