cautiously circumspectly deliberately gingerly prudently with deliberation
慎重 careful; cautious; prudent; ...地 the earth谨慎地, 慎重地 with discretion慎重地;审慎地 with discretion慎重 careful; cautious; considerate; discreet; prudent 为慎重起见 for caution's sake; 采取慎重的态度 adopt a prudent policy重地 important place (usually not open to the public); restricted area; place of strategic importance; vital centres 施工重地, 闲人免进。 construction site. no admittance不慎重 indiscretion取慎重 attitude a surname慎重,故意 deliberation慎重的 cautious; choosey; circumspective; conservative; considerate; deliberate (d05); deliberative; farsighted; gingerly; mature; measured; nice; prudent小心, 慎重 with care沉重地 heavily; oppressively; ponderously; squab; weightily多重地 multiply很重地 heavily家重地 deadbirds; mortuary blues九重地 ninefold隆重地 ceremoniously七重地 seven三重地 triply双重地 dual land四重地 quadruply五重地 fivefold严重地 badly; drastically; seriously; severely; sorely重地的 massively重重地 heavily
I was carefully to state the root fact bluntly . 我很慎重地 、坦率地介绍了基本事实。 He could have timed his moment to declare war on hitler with art and care . 他本可以机智而又慎重地 选择恰当的时机向希特勒宣战。 "the racket must have been very expensive," said shaista, scanning it respectfully . “这球拍想必是很贵重的,”谢斯塔慎重地 细看着球拍。 Care should be exercised to limit the amount of fruit carried by the developing leader . 应慎重地 采取措施限制其座果量,以利于主枝的生长。 You must be deliberate in selecting a partner 你必须慎重地 选择合人。 We ’ re gonna have to feel our way through this project 我们不得不对这项计划慎重地 进行处理。 The doctor ~ d the difficult operation he had to perform 那位医生慎重地 考虑他要进行的困难手术 " i thought dementors guard the prisoners in azkaban , " he said cautiously “我以为摄魂怪们正在守卫阿兹卡班。 ”他慎重地 说。 I ' ll think over your suggestions , and let you know my decision in a day or two 我会慎重地 考虑你的建议,并在一两天内告诉你我的决定。 " the racket must have been very expensive , " said shaista , scanning it respectfully “这球拍想必是很贵重的, ”谢斯塔慎重地 细看着球拍。