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  • brow
  • crag
  • linn
  • overhanging cliff
  • rock shelter


  • At a short distance from the shore they turned, and were soon concealed by the projection of the bank, under the brow of which they moved, in a direction opposite to the course of the water .
  • Like tigers the fighters continued up the cliff
  • Hen mountain , the north yue , is the highest one
  • He was flung from the edge of a precipice , where he clung for several hours by one hand , the other grimly holding the tail of the dead salamander
  • The young man was thrown from the top of the rock ; the corpse was found on the bed next day , and the whole truth was guessed , for the men who performed the office then mentioned what they had not dared to speak of before , that at the moment the corpse was thrown into the deep , they heard a shriek , which was almost immediately stifled by the water in which it disappeared .
    结果是:那个年轻人从悬岩顶上被抛了下去。第二天,床上发现了长老的尸体,真相大白了,抛尸体的那两个人说出了他们当时曾听到尖声的喊叫,但尸体一沉到水里,那喊声便听不到了。 ”


  • 悬岩的泰文
  • 悬岩的法语:rocher
  • 悬岩的韩语:[명사] 깎아지른 듯한 바위 또는 산봉우리. 낭떠러지. 悬崖悬岩; 현애 절벽
  • 悬岩的俄语:утёс скала утес
  • 悬岩的阿拉伯语:جرف;
  • 悬岩的印尼文:karang;
  • 悬岩什么意思:悬崖。    ▶ 南朝 梁 陶弘景 《冥通记》卷一: “又别梦见悬岩峙壁, 郁然若似青嶂。”    ▶ 北魏 郦道元 《水经注‧江水一》: “故其处悬岩, 犹有五色焉。”    ▶ 艾青 《光山》诗: “而最魅人的花朵, 却开在悬岩的边沿。”
悬岩的英文翻译,悬岩英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译悬岩,悬岩的英文意思,懸巖的英文悬岩 meaning in English懸巖的英文悬岩怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。